Short-horned Chameleon


The Short-horned Chameleon is endemic to the island of Madagascar and has a compressed body, spindly limbs, grasping feet and a prehensile tail allowing it to negotiate the branches and twigs of its arboreal habitat. 
The Short-horned Chameleon is generally grayish in color, although there is variation between the sexes and across the species' range, with the slightly larger males having a lighter colored head, and some specimens being greener and having blue legs.
When threatened, it raises its ear-like flaps to increase its apparent size and attacks with an open mouth.

First 4 photos: Mananara Lodge area, Anjozorobe, Madagascar, 17 January 2014
Last photo: Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar, 11 January 2014

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Short-horned Chameleon digging

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