Nymphidium caricae (Metalmark sp.)


The triangular white patch on the forewings, broad white bands across the hindwings, and orange markings of this butterfly are found in 3 genera of Riodinidae - Synargis, Juditha and Nymphidium.
Nymphidium species are more delicate in appearance than the others, and have narrower forewings.
Other features which help distinguish Nymphidium include the ovoid (egg shape) bluish-white submarginal markings, and the orange bars in the discal cell of the forewings.
There are 33 species of Nymphidium distributed variously from Belize to Bolivia, with the greatest number of species being found in the upper Amazon of Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.
The butterflies are usually encountered in flight along sunny trails.
They have a characteristic gentle fluttering flight at a height of about 2-3 metres, but spend long periods at rest beneath leaves.

Andrew Neild, author of The Butterflies of Venezuela and a recognized authority on Neotropical butterflies, helped me identifying this butterfly.
Andrew informed me that this is a very variable species.

Banabeki B&B area, Republiek, Suriname, 12 October 2016

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